- The Refined Hippie - https://www.therefinedhippie.com -

Happy Earth Day 2021

Happy Earth Day 2021 from this tree hugger (literally).

My love and passion for protecting this beautiful planet never waivers. And my lifestyle and daily choices reflect that. 

There are so many ways our species has been hurting the planet, polluting and pillaging every which a way. At times it seems like it’s only getting worse and we have no control of the situation. Unfortunately, in many ways that is true. A lot of the larger issues plaguing the Earth are producer problems, not consumer. There’s also the lack of leadership from governments here and around the world. Many politicians claim to care about the planet, saying all the right things to get the votes, but when it comes down to it the only thing they really care about is the corporations. 

At the end of the day we as individuals can only do our best and collectively we CAN make a big impact. 

Let us all strive to leave this world a better place than how we found it.